Monday, June 2, 2008

Acne like rash on face, neck and chest and over the counter acne treatments with benzoyl peroxide

So the secret to having healthier, clearer skin, first begins on the inside with making healthier eating choices for a healthier more balanced diet because when our bodies are healthier on the inside, our skin will look healthier on the outside.
Acne breakouts are something that no one wants to have happen to them at anytime. Although there are plenty of pharmaceutical acne solutions on the market that work great many people still prefer the natural approach to caring for their skin. The reasons for using natural products is that they do not contain harsh ingredients that can irritate the skin or cause potential side effects. There are many effective home acne remedies you can use to help treat your skin, many of which you probably have in your house right now!
We all do this every day but there is a right way and a wrong way. Washing of your face and body twice a day will help your acne. Over-reacting to acne by washing six times a day will make things worse by depleting the skin of natural oils and encouraging the sebaceous glands to react by over-producing sebum. Avoid alcohol based products as these will dehydrate your skin causing the glands to produce more oil. Scrubbing your skin, as opposed to gently washing your body with a gentle soap, however good it makes you feel, will also remove essential skin oils ensuring future over-production of sebum. Moderation in all things.
tags: how to prevent acne in your forehead, uvb or uva and skin care or acne treatment, acne medication salicylic acid

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